Anonymous question

Ask an anonymous question.

Many of our clients are domestic violence survivors. Our firm is sensitive to the security and personal safety concerns in such matters. Even though our case assessments are fully confidential, we understand that some individuals are reluctant to disclose their name. You are welcome to use the form below to submit an anonymous question for feedback from our lawyers. Please ask only general questions – do not disclose confidential information through this form.

Please ask only questions of a general nature. Do not use this form to submit confidential information. Use of this form does not create an attorney-client relationship with our firm.

There is no cost for this service.

Our firm charges no fee for answering anonymous questions about the Form I-864, Affidavit of Support.

Note that our firm works only with immigrant beneficiaries of the Form I-864. As such, we do not answer questions for Form I-864 sponsors of their attorneys. 

This service is also not offered for lawyers. If you are interested in retaining our firm or co-counseling on a case, please contact us through the case assessment tool so that we may run a conflict screening.  

Want individualized help? Contact us for a free, confidential case assessment.

The anonymous contact form above will not give us enough information to analyze whether you have a potential claim under the Form I-864. If you would like to receive such an assessment, please contact us on this page